
Not Ok. And It’s Ok.


Do you ever look upon your life and think…

things are ok!

And then something happens and you realize…

things aren’t ok.

Well I am not here to tell you it ok. Despite what the title tells you:)

Things have been rough over here.
I wish I could go more into detail, but mostly the normal things have not been ok. And then, yesterday we had a bit of a break, a good evening and a good sleep. And it felt like… Let’s say it together now…

everything was OK!

And then…

This morning about 4am I awoke to this smell. I was actually dreaming that my loved one was telling me I had terrible morning breath…;)
In which dream I punched him… Ha.

After a few more deluted moments I woke up and realized that it wasn’t a dream, but in fact one of my neighbours must have been cooking soup. Or onions. Or something.

the smell took over our house!

At 8am I got Em up and we headed downstairs only to find the smell so intense and disgusting, I almost went over to our neighbours to yell at them. But I didn’t. I just drove Em to daycare and came back home to our smelly house:)

After I got home, I realized the terrible burning smell was coming from our fridge area. And it was awful! I had to turn off the fridge, call the owners, wait for the assessors, see if my groceries could be saved. And see if there was any additional damage to the walls or appliances.

this was not expected. And not ok.

And I grumbled!

I am not a grumbly person. I am annoyingly happy! My dad teases me that I am unbelievably “glass half full” kind of gal.

But today… My mountain was a grumble mountain. It was a totally high mountain of grumpleness…

Until I saw this.


Nailed It.

Ok seriously, “Nailed It!” is one of my favorite sayings. I say it all of the time, and some times I say it more than a person should ever say it….

I would like to paint a picture for you now, of a parenting moment… Where I, you guessed it . Nailed it!

It was supper time at our house, Em started eating first, because it was getting late. As she finished her supper, I was still eating mine , so I instructed her to go and get ready for bed. As my little blue eyed beauty thought about the instructions that I gave her, she decided to boycott them. Does any other mom out there see the wheels turning at bedtime?

The ones that say:

what on earth can I say to get out of this terrible daily task???

After a few arguish moments, Em finally conceded and decided to carry her plate on top of her placemat to the counter.

that should have been my clue. I am not good at clues….

You can all probably guess what happened next. The placemat with the plate of food missed the counter and ended up on the floor.


Nailed It!


After that; I tried to keep eating my supper and instructing my child to get ready for bed. A fight broke out.


Am I the only mommy who goes through this? The days are hard enough sometimes, why does bedtime have to be a fight?

There has got to be a logical answer for this question.

If you have any tips or ways that you have “Nailed It” at parenting, let me know:)

For now, as the dishes and the floor have been cleaned up, I am going to just sit tight and relax!

P.s here is an example of mastering the “nailed it” 😉 if you have time,
Go on Pinterest and search it… It’s pretty funny!



Dear Jillian Michaels. Pt2.

Dear Jillian,

It has been a few months since I wrote to you last… If you recall, I was just about to complete my 320 at home work outs.

Well… I did it. Yay. Right?

Now what?

Setting goals or even workout goals is hard for me. I don’t do it easily. So after I completed my goal, I set a new one….

Goal #1. Get an ab.

Sounds pretty easy right? Just do a bunch of sit ups and voila! You got an ab!

said no one ever…

After I left your videos at home, I decided to join my local gym and get a personal trainer. Trust me, he was no Jillian. But then you are a gal, and he was a guy . So that might explain it.

During my time with a trainer , I realized I had no muscle and no coordination to use weights or medicine balls at all. And I thought that kettle balls were musical instruments. Ha! They would be so much cooler if they were musical!

But I also realized this:

No matter what… Doing workouts for weight loss or for toning or for getting an ab, either at home or at your local gym is tough! and time consuming! And not super motivational.

Unless you make it so you see results.

That is what I have learned. Unless you put your heart and soul into seeing the results, you won’t be motivated.

So, all that being said, have you seen all of those inspirational stories on Facebook? How much weight is being lost? Some because of you;)

I have decided that it doesn’t matter what initially motivates us to become better or to lose the weight or for a tighter stomach.

it matters what keeps us motivated

This is my 100 day check in, Jillian:)

I hope you are just doing what you are do best!

Peace out.

Ok forget I said that.

